Fall Indoor League - 2023 (St George)


Assessment Days - August 16th, 6pm-8pm

Season practices start in September goes until end of October

1 team practice per week

MATCHES: 1 Local matches per week against other BE teams and other clubs (depends on participation)

GEAR: Includes a numbered jersey T-shirt and additional practice T-shirt

AGES: Girls ages 8 to 16. Boys ages 10 - 14

PRACTICES: @ Fossil Ridge Intermediate School.

PRACTICE DATES (subject to change):
Monday groups: Sept 4,11,18,25 Oct 2,9,16,23

LEAGUE DATES( subject to change) Fridays between 5pm-9pm locally. Sept 22,29 Oct 6,20,27 .

COST: $300 if on or before August 18. $350 if after August 22. $375 if after Sept 1

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